
Visiting Professors

Prof Jinghai Li – Chinese Academy of Sciences

Joan Cordiner – Syngenta

Assistant Professors

Dr Ali Ozel has B. Sc. and M. Sc. degrees in Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey and Research Master in Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics from von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium. He earned his Ph.D. in Fluid Dynamics from Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse (Institute of Fluid Mechanics of Toulouse), France. He did a year of post-doctoral research and worked as an associate research scholar for three years at Princeton University, USA, before joining the group at Heriot-Watt in 2017.

Dr Victor Francia graduated from Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 2006, in addition to holding other qualifications in law, environmental science and humanitarian fields. After graduating he worked in corporate R&D (Manager, P&G, UK), and management of water infrastructures (Engineer, Acciona, Spain) before moving to academia. He obtained a professional doctorate in engineering, EngD, working for P&G and University of Birmingham on agglomeration during spray drying collaborating with academics in Leeds, Sheffield and Imperial College London. He joined Imperial as visiting researcher in 2012/13 on multiphase flow modelling and later worked as consultant  for the oil & gas industry. From 2016, he worked on dynamic self-organization as part of the Centre for Natured Inspired Engineering at UCL, before joining the group at Heriot-Watt in 2019.

Post-doctoral Research Associates

Lyes Ait Ali Yahia

PhD Students

Lise Ceresiat

Postgraduate Masters Students

Josh Williams

Undergraduate Students

Hameed Arabo-Ibrahim

Hussein Gulamhusein